If you want to improve the quality of your daily life and your environment, we present the solution you need.

How many times have you arrived at the neighborhood community portal loaded with groceries and found it difficult to enter due to lack of hands or the weight of the door? And the times you have had to juggle to enter the building where you work because you had material in your hands and you couldn’t do everything at once?
These situations can be solved quickly if we install an electric dock at the entrances to the buildings that we frequent regularly (our neighborhood community, the office where we work, the building where our elderly people live, etc.). Furthermore, if in our environment there are people with reduced mobility, the installation of this type of mechanism will make the entrance and sorting of the buildings more accessible and will significantly improve the quality of life.
What does Rigau offer?
At Rigau we have extensive experience in the installation of motorized electric springs. The dormakaba ED100 electric spring is perfect for the situations that we have mentioned: doors of neighborhood communities or offices that prevent opening from the outside, unless it is with a specific key and if so, it increases the security of the home or space.
What features does it have?
The main features of this model are:
- Its configuration is fully adaptable to each situation.
- It is a mechanism that does not make any type of noise.
- Includes smoke detector.
For automatic external opening, the options we have are:
- Through a remote control or a numeric keypad.
- Manually by turning the key but without having to use so much force.
- With the intercom.
- Thanks to a switch that works through a key.
On the other hand, regarding the interior opening options, these are:
- Opening thanks to the incorporation of a motion sensor.
- Opening through a switch.
- Or manually.
So, if you want to improve your quality of life and increase the safety of your environment, contact RIGAU or visit our showroom.
For more information contact Rigau to help you with locksmith or automotive locksmith.
How exactly does an electric dock work?
Miquel, production manager, explains to us how the Dormakaba ED100 electric dock works: